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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Volume 19, Number 8 – February 2018


We are a Welcoming Congregation



Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.

Feb. 4 Build Your Own Theology presentation

Feb. 18 Richard Olson

March 4 Rev. Denise Tracy

March 18 Ted Rulseh

April 1 Rev. Erv Teichmiller

April 15 Rev. Tony Larson

April 29 Rev. Mary Beth O’Halloran



Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. alternating with our regular Sunday services  

Feb. 11, last presentation of “The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience”

Feb. 25, to be announced

Everyone is welcome to join the new Adult Religious Education series, “The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience.” Topics include: Does God exist? Do we have a soul? Is it possible to make contact with a spiritual realm? How should we respond to thedivine? Will life continue beyond death.



Men's Discussion Group meets on Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 6 p.m. at the Fellowship

All are invited to attend this potluck followed by discussion. Main course provided, others to bring a dish to pass and beverage of your choice. New members welcome. Contact Dick Fields, dmafields@yahoo.com, for more information.


Women's Evening Discussion Group meets Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 6 p.m. at the Fellowship

All are invited to attend this discussion. New members welcome. Contact Natalia Graf-Jones, for more information.


Women's Discussion Group meets on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 10 a.m. at the Fellowship

All are invited to attend this discussion followed by lunch. New members welcome. The topic of conversation will be self-care. Contact Mary Ann Fields, dmafields@yahoo.com, for more information.



The Care Committee would like to sponsor another Women's Discussion Group for those who cannot come to our morning session. If interested please contact Toni Polfus 715 277 2025 or Mary Ann Fields 715 385 2975 and we will help find a time for interested persons.



Bob Hanson                                      02-01

Mary Beth O'Halloran                                 02-02

Barbara Beutler                               02-03

Myrle Wasko                                     02-03

Pam Thul-Immler                             02-04

Cora Holt                                           02-04

Mark Bruhy                                        02-05

Andrea Billings                                02-06

Jerry Buerer                                       02-07

Judith Maloney                                02-12

John Viste                                         02-12

Catherine Parker                              02-13

Wenda Sheard                                             02-13

Jim Rusak                                          02-14

Kate Egan Bruhy                               02-14

Ron Reupert                                      02-16

Claire Polfus                                     02-17

Jack Haffner                                      02-21

Elaine Strite                                      02-21

Billy Hurlburt                                                02-22

Missy   Young                                     02-23

Ardis White                                       02-25

Is your Birthday or Anniversary missing? Or do you see a mistake that can be corrected? If so, please contact Candy Sorensen at (715) 892-2997 or sorencan@yahoo.com Thanks!



For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com

  • A meeting reminder and message from NUUF Board President Bob Hanson:

The NUUF Board met today (Jan. 25) with new member Jason Hoff who was appointed unanimously to fill the vacancy until our May Annual Meeting. His willingness to step up and provide his input to our actions is sincerely appreciated.

Our next Board Meeting will be at NUUF at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 23, 2018. It was pointed out that our committee meetings and board meetings are not being sent out to all members in advance so that interested members might choose to attend as guests. To encourage wide participation I urge all Committee Chairs to inform Dick Fields and Candy Sorenson of planned meeting dates, times and locations. I’ll do the same with Board activities. They can then publish meeting times in the program of services and general informational emails to all.

Thanks in advance to all for cooperating in keeping our decision-making processes as transparent as possible.

Bob Hanson

  • From the Care Committee:

Our UU Fellowship has committed to the following community volunteer opportunities:

  1. 1. Highway 47 clean up, twice a year, Connie Lefebvre
  2. 2. Community dinner, 3 or 4 times a year, the 3rd Tuesday of the month at St. Mathias, Joan Junge
  3. 3. Food Pantry set up, Tuesday morning
  4. 4. Caritas, money donation from the Fellowship and one member volunteer
  5. 5. Frederick Place, help make meals or donate meals or needed items

We hope you can find a place to make a difference in our community by volunteering time or money.



  • Frederick Place in Rhinelander has a sizeable number of dates open for meals. If you can help out with one of these dates you can either call Frederick Place at 715-369-9777 or email Tammy Modic at tammymodic.frederickplace@ gmail.com
  • The Hospitality and Building and Grounds Committee will host a movie night Friday, Feb. 2, starting at 6:30 p.m. The movie will be at 7 p.m. This will also be a birthday recognition party for all of our friends having a birthday in January or February.
    • Birthdays include: Randy Wendt, Sharon Van Raalte, Kim Norris, Aidan Graf, Mary Beth O’Halloran, Pam Thul-Immler, Ron Reupert, Barb Mochon, Connie LeFebvre, Bob Hanson, Barb Beutler, Judi Maloney, John Viste, Brenda Martin, Erin Tuyls, and Ardis White. Join us for a fun night at the Fellowship. "Groundhog" Chili will be available.
    • Bring a snack and/or beverage of your choice. Cake and ice cream may be available. P.S. It is Groundhog Day so dress accordingly.
  • Denise Tracy graciously agreed to guide us in Tai Chi Saturday, March 3, from 10 a.m.-noon at the Fellowship Hall. If you have been there before you'll probably recall the wonderful experience. If not, please come and enjoy the fun, joyful couple hours. No skills are needed, as some of us can attest. Please contact Judi Maloney if you are interested, jmaloney@frontier.com or 715-891-4362.
  • On March 4, Rev. Denise Tracy will preach on “The Book Of Joy” written by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. If you would like to have a deeper experience get the book on CD or audiobook and listen to it. The voices communicate a sense of playfulness and lightheartedness that do not translate to the written page.


Do You Know?

This is the beginning of a series of short articles about the history and culture of the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, just in case you didn’t know.

     Do you know when NUUF was founded? 1989, mostly by word-of-mouth gathering people in homes to discuss issues. Paul and Irma Braunstein hosted many meetings, and a few others shared the joy. We are approaching our 30th anniversary ?

     Do you know who the founders are? The 20 who originally signed the membership book (20 were required by the UUA to establish a congregation) as well as the first board members are listed on plaques to the right of the name tags before the hallway. How many of them do you know? Do you now where Paul and Irma’s photo is? Ask some of the 20 founders if you don’t know.

     Do you know where NUUF met? Yes, in homes to get started, but then for several years we met in the Community Room on the third floor above the library. The huge windows overlooking Lake Minocqua added to the atmosphere.

Our NUUF Community

If you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or call 715-892-2997.

Check out our website https://nuuf.com/joomla4. Also take time to "LIKE" us on Facebook. Click here on Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship for direct access if you already have a Facebook account. We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.



Hello everyone, I will be compiling the newsletter for the foreseeable future! Please send announcements and updates to me, Carly Ratliff, at carly.j.ratliff@gmail.com or to Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com by Feb. 28 for the March Newsletter. It is very helpful if your copy is written exactly the way you want it to read so that it can be copied and pasted. Thank you!