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Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

A Beacon of Light in the Northwoods

Newsletter of the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Woodruff, WI
Volume 18, Number 3 – September 2016
We Are a Welcoming Congregation

October 15th Fellowship Retreat – tentative date.
The board discussed the possibility of holding a Fellowship retreat in October to continue the work begun in the fall 2015 retreat. The tentative date is Saturday, October 15. Topics being considered are a review of our Covenant of Mission; consideration of a second Covenant on Right Relations (how we treat one another); and improvement of internal communications. Pease plan to attend. Lunch will be provided.
9/4 John Bates - The Four Essential Questions: What Writers Must Address
about the Natural World
9/18 Rev. Mary Beth O'Halloran
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Adult RE meets at 10:00 AM on alternate Sundays from our regular service
Children’s Religious Education.
This is an appeal for volunteers to help plan our Children's Religious Education
Program. Laurie Figueroa is looking for some interested members to help her
refine the available programs in a manner that will meet the needs of various
age groups. This will prepare us to serve the children of new members as they
join us. We have very few, if any, children attending the program at this time,
which makes this the best time to prepare for the hopeful future. Please
consider lending Laurie your expertise and interest in this planning effort!
Contact Laurie at (715) 439-0600 or lauriefigueroa2002@yahoo.com.
Spirituality Committee meeting - 9/4 @ 11:30 AM following the service and snack.

Men's Group – 9/13 Men's Group, 6:00  PM, pot luck at the Fellowship

Women's Group – 9/27 Women's Group, 10:00 AM

Board Meeting - The next board meeting was set for Friday, September 23, at 10 am. at the Fellowship.
Oct 1st UU Highway Clean-up -NUUF has our fall highway cleanup of Hwy 47 on Sat. Oct. 1st.  Meet on the north corner of Hwy 47 and County F, toward Lac du Flambeau, at 10:00 A.M.  Please bring work gloves, safety vests will be provided.  Many hands make light work! Thank you for helping out. Any questions, contact Connie Lefebvre at 715-358-2470.
BUILDING YOUR OWN THEOLOGY - Pam Thul Immler, MaryBeth O Halloran and Candace ZahnCain will be exploring the UU program Building Your Own Theology  beginning Oct 18th from 10-12 at the fellowship building.  We will meet the 1st and 3rd Tues of the month.  Please contact Candace is you are interested in joining us  czcain62@gmail.com.
Social Activities/Hospitality Committee
Monthly Movie Night - Movie nights at the Fellowship are generally on the third Thursday of the month.
Milestones – if you have been not seeing your Birthday or Anniversary in the list of milestones or if you see something that needs to be corrected, please contact Candy.
Sherry Zoars
Eileen Schultz
Tim Kratz
Greg & Dawn Holt
Jonathon Beutler
Pam Thul-Immler & Rick Immler
Jerry Collins
Sharon Reilly
Ruth Erbs
Cathy & Dion Peterson
Rev. Sydney Morris
Erick Boustead
MacKenzie Reupert
Tim Muench and Trish Kirk
Mollie West
Betsy Schussler & Rick Foral

New artwork request. It’s that time to switch out artwork in the NUUF Gallery. Would like a completely new display up by end of September. If you have artwork to share, please contact Sharon to discuss.  reillyhi@earthlink.net.
September 18th Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing - Lakeland Soup for Shelter at St Matthias Episcopal Church, 403 E Chicago Ave, Minocqua, WI

Good Morning
My name is Tammy Dye. I work for NATH. We own/operated the homeless shelter that is located in Rhinelander, but services Oneida, Lincoln, Langlade, Vilas and Forest Counties.  We are asking if you would kindly add this to your announcements at church for the next few weeks. We truly appreciate your assistance with this. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at assistant.nathnorthwoods@ gmail.com or by calling 715-369-9777. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Sunday, September 18, 2016 is the date for the 7th Annual Lakeland Soup For Shelter in Minocqua. St Matthias Episcopal Church at 403 E Chicago Ave, Minocqua, WI will host this fundraising event this year.  Proceeds from this benefit will go to Frederick Place, the temporary, emergency shelter that is operated by the Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing, Inc. (NATH).
Doors will open at 11:00am to purchase tickets for the basket raffles.  Everyone is welcome!  Admission is by freewill donation.  Area restaurants will be donating a delicious variety of soups for this benefit.  Come enjoy a wonderful soup lunch and have fun as you support those who are experiencing homelessness in our Northwoods area.
Frederick Place offers emergency shelter for families and individuals from Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida and Vilas Counties. The annual operating costs for the shelter are $233,000.00. These costs include 24-hour staff salaries, case management, food, utilities, supplies, insurance, equipment, and maintenance. We have housed over 500 individuals over the past 5 ½ years.
If you would like more information about Frederick Place, please contact Tammy Dye, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director, at 715-369-9777 or at assistant.nathnorthwoods@ gmail.com. Submitted by Tammy Dye
Saturday, September 24, 2016 Walk to End Alzheimer's
Rhinelander, WI (near the Movie Theater)
Judi Maloney is looking for fellow participants to join a NUUF Team for the fellowship. Registration begins at 9 am. If you would like to participate contact Judi Maloney (715-891-4362) to join the NUUF team. Click here for details

October 1st Tara and Jerry Woolpy Concert - Mark Dvorak will be back at Tara and Jerry's for a concert Saturday October 1st at 7pm and guitar lessons on the following Sunday. For reservations email Jerry at jerryw@earlham.edu.
The Sommerfelds have sold their home and are having a moving sale.  Elinore and Tom have been valued members of this fellowship for years. They will be sorely missed. They also have lots of stuff to sell/give away. Candy distributed a list of the items for sale in a previous email. If you want more details or have questions, please contact Elinore at 715-385-2407.  To see items, you can stop by (please call in advance). Best times to come by are this Friday afternoon (9/2), all day Saturday, Sunday afternoon, all day Monday, Labor Day. As a friendly reminder, their address is 4540 Harmony Point Lane, Boulder Junction (off US 51, a mile south of Cty H). They are also offering free beer and soda while it lasts (could be gone already).
IMPORTANT - Newsletter editor needed
Unfortunately, Sharon will not be able to continue as the NUUSletter editor and is looking for a substitute. She will be undergoing treatment for cancer which was recently diagnosed.  Not knowing what her schedule will be like over the coming months, she wants to be sure there is someone to cover for her in Oct – Jan. This could evolve into a more long-term assignment. Please contact Cheryl Hanson the Marketing/Publicity Chair at cherylhanson@frontier.com or contact Sharon to discuss the details and what this entails reillyhi@earthlink.net or 608-963-0742.

REMINDER - As a friendly reminder, if you know someone who is interested in joining the Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, please contact Candy Sorensen at: sorencan@yahoo.com or call 715-892-2997.
NUUF and NEWSLETTER INFORMATION - From the Newsletter Editor: All NUUF newsletter items are due by the 27th of the month.
For distribution of announcements between newsletters or email/address corrections, contact Candy Sorensen at sorencan@yahoo.com or Robert Hanson, President, president@nuuf.com
"Like" us--Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship--on Facebook (Our page link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/135173523266925/?ref=br_tf).  We're posting pictures, reminders about upcoming events and more.
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
P.O. Box 1881, Woodruff, WI 54568-1881